TxDOT Hempstead Highway @ Kansas - Upcoming Traffic Pattern Change
Today we met with the project manager for this project and got some great updates. Here is what's happening with traffic flow as they move closer to wrapping up this project.
Here's a quick recap of the project goals:
Expand Hempstead Highway to 3 lanes running both northbound and southbound
Replace the railroad bridge that goes over Hempstead Highway just south of Kansas St
Add a pump station to better drain the underpass (it frequently fills up with water and is a big safety hazard)
Add sidewalks along both sides of Hempstead Highway
Once the project is complete, all of this (except the area owned by the railroad) will be turned over to the City of Houston for maintenance. Until then, TxDOT is responsible for the project site.
Now that one side of the underpass paving is almost complete, TxDOT will be performing a traffic switch to the new paving for southbound traffic only. There is a large concrete divider separating the unfinished and finished lanes, so this will impact traffic coming into and out of the neighborhood in this area. In February, ALL traffic will be on the far side of the divider, so turning will be more restricted.

Here is how it will be from Dec 20 to some time in February:

Here is what will happen starting in February for approximately 2 months until the rest of the paving can be completed:

If you need to go southbound starting Dec 20 through the end of the project, the best option is to either start out northbound and take a U-turn when you get up a little ways, or just choose to go out Sherwin or TC Jester.
This has been painful, and it will be for a few more months, but the end result will be worth it! I know we are all ready to get this project completed. At this point conservatively we believe the project will wrap up in June, though TxDOT is hopeful to get it completed earlier. We'll keep you posted as we learn more.
Thank you for this info! Very helpful versus just going down Hempstead to see if entry into the neighborhood is open or not.