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METRO Meeting And TxDOT Project Update

METRO Inner Katy Bus Rapid Transit Info Meeting Next Week

Next Tuesday, Super Neighborhoods 14, 15, and 22 (ours is 22!) will host a joint meeting with METRO CEO, Tom Lambert, to learn more about the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) solution that will go down the I-10 corridor past Cottage Grove. This is called the METRORapid Inner Katy Project.

This project is not the same as the TxDOT project proposed alongside it, though they share the same virtual public meeting room where you can learn more about both projects. The METRO project, unlike the TxDOT project, is already funded and expected to move forward.

Cottage Grove Civic Association leaders will attend the meeting. If you wish to attend, you are welcome! We will also provide an update at the next Civic Association meeting.

Date: Tuesday, April 27

Time: 6:30-7:30pm

TxDOT I-10 Inner Katy Project: Update and More Help Needed

Thank you all for submitting comments to TxDOT regarding the Inner Katy Managed Lanes project. The Houston Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) is planning to add the project to their 2045 regional transportation plan. It’s important that we also share our neighborhood concerns with H-GAC. Our stance on the project is unchanged, we have assessed the project materials to the best of our ability and do not feel that any of the proposed concepts should be accepted or supported by the neighborhood.

We ask that you act before the comment period ends on April 28th and:

  • Inform H-GAC that you do not support any options because of concerns to your home and neighborhood in ways of noise, pollution, and right of way acquisition.

  • Inform H-GAC that they should reconsider their support of the project and look at alternatives that can minimize impact to our neighborhood while still accomplishing their goals.

Please provide comments in the link below:

We ask all residents to review the project materials for themselves and provide comment. We have included an example comment below that is in line with our previously sent TxDOT letter.

Example Comment:

Dear H-GAC – Transportation Planning,

I am a resident of Cottage Grove and have recently been informed of the I-10 Inner Katy Managed lanes project. After reviewing the project materials, I am very concerned about all concepts proposed and the impacts they may have on my home and neighborhood.

Concept A appears to threaten homes along the feeder and our only green space, Cottage Grove Park. Concept B brings the noise and pollution of I-10 upwards on elevated freeway decks and projects it across our neighborhood.

Concept C does both – elevating the freeway lanes and then bringing them immediately adjacent to our homes and park.

I oppose all options. H-GAC should reconsider their support of this project and look at alternatives that will have less impact on the neighborhood.



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